Submission and Registration

Submission Instruction

Prospective authors are invited to submit original, high quality papers which is original and has not been submitted and published elsewhere.

  • Manuscripts should be at least 4 full pages and at most 10 pages. ( One regular registration can cover a paper within  5 pages, including all figures, tables, and references. )
  • Manuscripts should be prepared by following the full paper template either in Word Format (.docx) or Latex Format (.tex)
  • Manuscripts should be submitted via Online Submission System: 

Review process

ICBDC conference welcomes the submission of application papers with preference to the topics listed in the call for papers. All submitted papers will undergo a thorough review process; and the peer review will be based on relevance, originality, significance, quality and clarity. ICBDC follows a double-blind review process. Authors are required to include their names and affiliations in their papers as illustrated in the sample templates. Your PDF file must not include paper id, page number & conference name.

Important Dates

Full-length Manuscript / Abstract Submission
March 25, 2025
Notification of Review Result
April 15, 2025
Camera Ready / Registration Deadline
April 30, 2025
Conference Period
May 16-18, 2025


Registration Types
Registration Fee | USD
Early-bird Price 
(By February 10, 2025)
540 USD
Author  (Student / Committee)
500 USD
Regular Presenter
390 USD
Student / Committee Presenter
350 USD
290 USD
Regular Registration
570 USD
Author  (Student / Committee)
530 USD
Regular Presenter
420 USD
Student / Committee Presenter
380 USD
320 USD
Other Optional
Registration Items
Extra Page (Over 5 pages)
50 USD/per one
Additional Paper
380 USD

Registration Types

Author: making an oral presentation of the paper which will be published by the proceedings.
Presenter (Oral Presentation only): making an oral presentation on the conference without paper publishing.
Delegate: Participating in the conference only as a non-presenter, without presentation and paper publication.

One regular registration can cover a paper within 5 pages, including all figures, tables, and references. 
Author registration to the conference includes attendance in all sessions of the event, present a speech in one session, lunch, coffee  breaks and dinner.

Please fill the information and complete the payment via Online Payment System
You need to send order id and email used for payment  to and wait for the secretary‘s comfirmation before registration deadline.
Confirmed by the conference secretary, then Delegate registration succeeds. Please print and bring Order ID & Payment Email file when you arrive.

At least one author is required to register and attend the conference to present the paper.
For safety consideration, please take good care of your belongings in the public places. Please bring your name badge for entering the conference hall. Please do not lend your name badge to people who are not involved with the conference. Please do not take irrelevant people to enter the conference rooms. The Organizers shall not be held responsibility for any loss of personal finance or belongings.

Refund Policy

If the participants request cancellation and refund due to personal reasons, the following refund policy applies.
60 days ahead of the conference: 70% of payment refund
30-60 days ahead of the conference: 50% of payment refund
Within 30 days ahead of the conference: no refund
Cancellation and refund request must be made formally via email. No shows will not be refunded. The organizing committees is not responsible for problems beyond our control such as weather conditions, campus conditions, travel difficulties, visa problems, health issues, etc.

The organizing committees reserves the right to change the dates and place of the conference due to force majeure.
The losses thus incurred from the force majeure events shall not be liabled and refunds policy shall not apply as well.